About Mélanie
Change is the Essence of Life.
Be willing to surrender who you are for what you could become.
So who am I now? An incorrigible optimist, an aficionada of craziness and laughter, a passionate yoga teacher and an enthusiastic business consultant, a nature-lover, a pround weirdo, an inquisive traveller, an ex-emergency care medical doctor, an addict of hugs and smiles, a happy vegetarian, a daily meditator, a playful acro-yogi, an occasional adrenaline-junkie, a sensual food-lover and a creative cook, a contagious enthusiast and so much more...
But more importantly: what could I become? Wow, that's a big one. Right now I feel that I'm pretty close to living the life of my dreams, especially after the rather bumpy journey of the past three years, where I let go of my career as an emergency care medical doctor and embarked on a journey to find out what I really want in life. (See video below "from prestige to purpose")
However, what I have learnt is that life is never static, that it's always about becoming more than being. So I take every day as an opportunity to sense, whereto life is taking me. Trusting the flow.
Sparkling eyes – authentic gratefulness – ongoing growth – silent mindfulness - interesting discussions – unexpected hugs – spontaneous dancing – inspiring friends – infinite laughter – inner peace - love, love, love…
From Prestige to Purpose: a 10 minute talk about my journey from being a successful emergency care medical doctor to finding out what really matters to me...
The Yoga Revolution: A playful video about strange changes that have been happening in Buenos Aires...
How to change the world (John-Paul Flintoff): a book explaining.. well... just that! Awesome, short, inspiring read!
The gifts of imperfection (Brené Brown): one of the best books about authentic living
The happiness hypothesis (Jonathan Haidt): for me the most profound book on how to find happiness
One from many (Dee Hock): for me the best book on leadership and visionary thinking
Leading from the Emerging Future (Otto Scharmer): one of the most intelligent analysis' of the evolution of consciousness
Love 2.0 (Dr. Barbara Fredrickson): defining the "moments of connection" as what really matters in life
The happiness advantage (Shawn Achor): putting happiness into business to gain productivity and fun
Light on Yoga (B.K.S. Iyengar): yoga explained by the guru himself with so much wisdom and love
My yoga home in Zürich with lots of lovely soul and a unique vibe: Sanapurna Studio
My Zurich "guruji" - sweaty Vinyasa flow classes with mindblowing music: Susann Heimgartner
My teacher trainer & a huge inspiration for caring, love-filled & fun yoga classes: Jenifer Yarro
The most charismatic Indian Yoga teacher with a charming humor and enormous knowledge: Poonam Stecher
My senior yoga teacher from Frog Lotus International with a broad knowledge of Indian philosophy: Vidya Heisel
The best studio in Buenos Aires, Argentina (and, indeed, my yoga home in South America): Buena Onda Yoga
Academic Role Models
The man who's workshops made me think about life goals and the purpose of life: Dr. Thomas Gartenmann
A committed emergency doctor, female boss of the service and a truely encouraging mentor: Prof. Dr. Dagmar Keller
Never, ever give up (Diana Nyad): the most inspiring talk about how perserverance pays out, eventually
The power of vulnerability (Brené Brown): being vulnerable takes courage, but is the first step towards authenticity
Your body language shapes who you are (Amy Cuddy): the impressive effects of posture on our mood and behavior
Why some of us don't have one true calling (Emilie Wapnik): how it's a blessing & not a curse to have multiple interests