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Coaching & Consulting


The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.

My passion is to empower individuals to thrive on a personal, professional and spiritual level. As a consultant, my focus is on empowering employees to live up to their true potential by co-creating a working culture in which individuals collectively thrive and create excellence within companies. As a personal and executive coach, I accompany people to craft a life that’s aligned with their values, their passions and their aspirations.

Organizational Consulting

How can we shape organizational cultures which help individuals to thrive? How can we bring more awareness into the private sector, hereby contributing to more meaningful work?

I am delighted to work as senior consultant and project manager for aergon, a Zurich-based consultancy with expertise in organizational development and culture change. Through workshops with the executive team, through focus-groups and executive one to one coaching as well as company-wide culture change initiatives we work towards creating working environments where passion, purpose and collaboration thrive.

The work I do as a leadership consultant 

You can find more information about my work as a consultant on the homepage or my linkedin profile.

Personal Life Coaching

Coaching isn't about receiving advice. It's about being asked the right questions. Questions, which make you find out who you really are. What you really want. And how you'll get there. Discovering the steps that will lead you to live a life true to your values, aligned with your strengths and bursting with fulfillment. 


What is coaching

Before I truly understood what coaching is, I believed that I certainly didn't need it, since my life was going pretty well. I saw myself as a strong and independent person, with no need to have someone telling me what to do. 

However, one day I came to realise what coaching really is. I was talking to a well known and successful coach, who compared life to a skyscraper. Psychologists, he told me, are the ones who help people who are lost and unwell to get better. They help people to get from the garage to the main entrance, or sometimes even to floor number 2 or 3. Coaches, however, are the ones who accompany individuals from floor number 34 to the rooftop terrace. They explore the clients' often unconscious visions, their hopes and dreams, and thereby empower the clients to take action to live the life of their dreams. And they never tell clients what to do, they just accompany them in their journey of discovery. 

Having understood this, I proudly say that I regularly look for a coach to accompany me to live the life of my dreams. It's not about needing it, it's about choosing to do so. 


So what about you? 

Do you feel like you're ready to take your life to the next level? To explore, what life could be like? 

I'd love to hear from you. And don't worry, the first "getting to know each other"-session is free. So you can make up your mind with no financial pressure at all.