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The love of humanity is the first step for loving the art of medicine

I always wanted (and still do) to save the world,  but since I was struggling with this nearly unbearable quest I decided to become a medical doctor, thus at least saving some lives if not the world. The complexity and beauty of the human body are endless and so is my fascination for it. My residency led me from internal medicine to anesthesia to emergency medicine and finally intensive care, always searching for the most complex and challenging tasks. I have not only a genuine fascination for the human body and it's complex way of functioning but also for the psychological aspect of treating patients and communicating wisely. Next to my regular curriculum I work as an instructor for pediatric emergency care (PALS) andas a prehospital emergency doctor. After only 3.5 years of residency I was offered the position of chief of residents at the emergency department of the University hospital of Zürich, a challenge which I happily accepted.

Since January 2016 I am doing volunteer work in a public hospital in the city of Buenos Aires. 


since 2011

One of the best parts about being a resident learning new things every single day and, most importantly, having a good team with fun and inspiring colleagues to work with.


 Emergency doc since 2013

My love for the adrenaline-driven  emergency medicine has led me to work as a freelance prehospital emergency doctor next to my everyday work in the hospital.


PALS-Instructor since 2015

Since February 2015 I am a PALS (pediatric advanced life support) instructor, leading courses on pediatric emergency care for caregivers. Sharing my knowledge with other doctors is a fun and gratifying task.


    the role of a doctor? 

The purpose of a doctor should not be to simply delay the death of a patient, but to increase the person’s quailty of life.